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Episode from Israel Channel 11 (reporter Eran Singer, photographer Vyaches Slav Kanijin): A college in Baqa al-Gharbiyye offers an alternative to Israeli-Arabs higher education.

Anat Even-Zahav, Ph.D.

My educational consulting services are offered to a wide range of institutions, including public and private K-12 schools, higher education institutions, public sector organizations, and nonprofit organizations. Read More >


The courses I teach encompass innovative pedagogy, education management, disciplinary themes in science and mathematics, and research method courses. Read More >


My research approach is unique and includes SWOT analysis, Delphi survey and risk management methodologies.

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Anat Even Zahav_portrait

and thanks for visiting!

We may have met in the past, face to face in a college math class or in an education research project.   Hope you have good memories and glad you arrived.

Whether you're looking to navigate challenges and opportunities within your organization, promote innovative pedagogy in teaching or conduct comprehensive educational study using applicable strategic methodologies - I am here to guide you towards success. Let's embark on this journey together.

Explore my website to learn more about my expertise in risk management of education systems, education policy research, teaching STEM subjects, and more.

Anat at work

The photos were published on the Talpiot College of Education and Tandon-NYU websites and are owned by the site owner

My Mission

My Mission is to empower educational organizations to thrive in today's dynamic world. Leveraging my expertise in STEM education, organizational development, and strategic planning, I aim to drive positive change and foster growth within educational institutions.


I have chosen to call the firm AEZ, which are the acronyms of my name, but also stands for Authenticity and Equity. Those are my primary goals: to be true to myself and my clients, and to bring equitable values, which are vital in all aspects of education.

Selected Publications

two books

Hazzan, O., Buchnik, T., & Even-Zahav, A. (2024). Guidelines for Creating Educational Continuity During Prolonged Crisis Situations: Insights from the 'Education during crisis' Forum. Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, Haifa, Israel.
Click Here >, (in Hebrew)

Gil, E., Even-Zahav, A., & Siemionow, J. (2024). “Developing Entrepreneurship mindset in an International and Interdisciplinary Learning Environment amidst Covid-19.” Instructional Sciencel. (under final review)

Even-Zahav, A., Widder, M., & Hazzan, O. (2022). “From Teacher Professional Development to Teacher Personal-Professional Growth: The Case of Expert STEM Teachers.” Teacher Development, 1-18.


Even-Zahav, A. & Hazzan, O. (2022). “Three Risks Facing Higher Education.” CACM – Communications of the ACM, BLOG@CACM.
Click Here >


Even-Zahav, A., & Hazzan, O. (2017). Risk Management of Education Systems: The Case of STEM Education in Israel. SpringerBriefs in Education.

Hazzan, O., Heyd-Metzuyanim, E., Even-Zahav, A., Tal, T. & Dori, Y. J. (2017). Application of Management Theories for STEM Education: The Case of SWOT Analysis. SpringerBriefs in Education. 

Even-Zahav, A., Shahar, S., & Hazzan, O. (2016). “What Do Police Academy Instructors and STEM Teachers Have in Common? The Mission Paradox.” Cogent Education, 3(1), 1218817.‏ Click Here >

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I am always open to ideas and collaborations and would love to hear from you!


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