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Gil, E., Even-Zahav, A., & Siemionow, J. (2023). “Developing Entrepreneurship mindset in an International and Interdisciplinary Learning Environment amidst Covid-19.” Instructional Science. (Under review)

Widder, M., & Even-Zahav, A. (2023). “Professional well-being of expert mathematics and science teachers in effective professional development programs.” Journal of Research and Study in Mathematics Education, 10, 68-83. (In Hebrew)

Even-Zahav, A., & Hazzan, O. (2023). “Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education in the Post-Corona Era. ”The study of Organizations and Human Resource Management Quarterly, 8(1), 58-73.
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Even-Zahav, A., Gnaim-Abu Touma, L., Chaleila, W., Wattad, H., Habaieb, H. (2022). “Practicum Experience During COVID-19: How Did Teaching Online Impact Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy at an Arab College in Israel?” Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives, 20, 284-296.

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Even-Zahav, A., Widder, M., & Hazzan, O. (2022). “From Teacher Professional Development to Teacher Personal-Professional Growth: The Case of Expert STEM Teachers.” Teacher Development, 1-18.
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Even-Zahav, A., Cohen, H., & Hazzan, O. (2019). “Inter-Disciplinary learning in Educational Systems. Lexi-Kaye. Kaye Academic College of Education, 12, 11-14. Click Here > (In Hebrew)

Even-Zahav, A & Hazzan, O. (2018). “Israeli Science Teachers’ Perception of STEM Education: The Bureaucratic Professional Conflict.” Ka-et, Talpiot, College of Education, Israel, 3, 208-223.‏
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Even-Zahav, A., Shahar, S., & Hazzan, O. (2016). “What Do Police Academy Instructors and STEM Teachers Have in Common? The Mission Paradox.” Cogent Education, 3(1), 1218817.
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Briefs & Reports

Hazzan, O., Buchnik, T., & Even-Zahav, A. (2024). Guidelines for Creating Educational Continuity During Prolonged Crisis Situations: Insights from the 'Education during crisis' Forum. Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, Haifa, Israel. 

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Even-Zahav, A., Widder, M., & Hazzan, O. (2018). Teacher Career Ladders in Educational Systems. Invited report by the Initiative for Applied Education Research-Israel.
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Hazzan, O., Heyd-Metzuyanim, E., Even-Zahav, A., Tal, T. & Dori, Y. J. (2017). Application of Management Theories for STEM Education: The Case of SWOT Analysis. SpringerBriefs in Education.
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Application of Management Theories for STEM Education: The Case of SWOT Analysis

Even-Zahav, A., & Hazzan, O. (2017). Risk Management of Education Systems: The Case of STEM Education in Israel. SpringerBriefs in Education.
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Lemarchand, G. A., Leck, E., & Tash, A. (2016). Mapping Research and Innovation in the State of Israel:Women in Science and Engineering. Box 10, p.80. Paris: UNESCO.
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Risk Management of Education Systems: The Case of STEM Education in Israel.


I am always open to ideas and collaborations and would love to hear from you!


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